Day 15 - Carrión de Los Condes to Terradillos de Los Templarios

Well, I’m not sitting in a gaol cell. Hooray! Double hooray because that means that I got a decent sleep! A very welcome change. Instead, I’m sitting in the beer garden of the Jacques de Molay albergue in Terradillos de Los Templarios, sipping on a cold beer and sucking down ever-growing plates of tapas. All of this was well earned however as today had a whopping sixteen-plus kilometer stretch with very little in the way of shade or services. The kicker was finally arriving at an albergue only to be turned away as they were full and having to walk an extra 300m. It mightn’t sound like much, but at the end of the day, it’s like being punched in the guts. On the plus side, however, sitting in front of the full albergue was my arch nemesis, Snore-o, from the night before. I dodged a cacophonous bullet right there! High five, y’all. Well, my glass is empty so I had better remedy this and stuff my face with more free olives. Life is good. 

Distance - 26.8km

Difficulty - ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Camin-Oh no! - Arriving at an albergue, exhausted, and being told that there are not enough beds. 

Camin-Oh hell yeah! - The tapas sizes getting bigger and bigger the further we go. 


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