Day 19 - León to Villar de Mazariffe

When you stay in an area called Barrio Húmedo (Wet Neighborhood) you have to expect some drunken noise throughout the night. The street sweeper at 5am however is just taking the piss. Despite all of this I woke feeling refreshed and smashed out 21.8km in under five hours, arriving just after 12:30, which gave me plenty of time to eat, drink and locate the rather intriguing Telephone Museum. Why a tiny town in the middle of rural Spain requires a telephone museum is anyone’s guess. Their neighbour, Astorga, already had dibs on the Chocolate Museum so Villar de Mazarife must have decided to go with the world’s penultimate delicious foodstuff, the telephone. After walking down every side street and dead end in town, I asked the bar staff at my albergue for the location of this major tourist attraction. It turns out that it closed down last year after declaring bankruptcy due to unpaid telephone bills. Man, I wish this last part was true, but alas. Rather disappointed, I retreated to the patio with a beer, a bocadilla and then showered with a handheld showerhead that looked remarkably like an old telephone handset. The plot thickens.

Distance - 21.8km

Difficulty - ⭐️/5

Camin-Oh no! - Malta missing the cut for Eurovision. 

Camin-Oh hell yeah! - Australia getting through to the final of Eurovision. 


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