Day 17 - Calzadilla de los Hermanillos to Mansilla de las Mulas

Last night was an interesting one. When I arrived at my room, which contained four beds, an older couple asked me if I snored. I said I didn’t. They were happy with this. Later in the evening, I overheard a conversation between the aforementioned couple and my compañeras. It seems a Brazilian snorer of epic proportions had now taken the last bed in our room. Great. Later in the evening the snorer made himself known to me, asked me if I snored, and then apologised profusely for the shit night of sleep I would seemingly be having. He then went on to tell me how much he loved Midnight Oil. I was torn. I prepped myself for bed, drove my earplugs in as far as they went, to the point of pain, and then turned in for the night. Well, what a bloody (welcome) anticlimax! I didn’t hear a peep out of this poor, vilified Brazilian would-be Elephant Man. Once that whole saga was finished I started the day as fresh as a daisy and bounded down natural paths, enjoyed a picnic in a glade (I’ve never used that word in a sentence before), and rolled into Mansilla de las Mulas feeling wonderful. Cheap, decent wine for lunch will do that to you. The Universe decided to bring me back down to earth however by cutting off the hot water to my shower. Cheers, Universe. You can’t win them all I suppose.

Distance - 23km

Difficulty - ⭐️⭐️/5

Camin-Oh no! - Freezing cold showers. 

Camin-Oh hell yeah! - Picnic lunches with cheap, really decent wine. 


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