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Day 1 - 5:19AM
I am stealthily typing this from halfway down my sleeping bag in an albergue in St. Jean Pied de Port, France, the traditional starting point of the Camino Frances, an 800Km pilgrimage route that ends at Santiago de Compostela in Spain, where it’s believed that the body of St James resides. However, all of this means very little to me at the moment as I’m positively busting for a piss. I’m hoping someone in this room of seven pilgrims will pluck up the nerve to be ‘that guy who used the toilet at 5am and woke everyone up’. I was that guy at midnight and I figure it’s someone else’s turn to lead the charge this time. During my daring midnight raid, I successfully managed to walk on every poorly secured floorboard in the room, announcing to everyone here that I have the bladder of an infant. By the time I got comfortable again in my sleeping bag another two people had silently thanked me for blazing a trail to the bathroom and made the dash to relieve themselves. Judging by the amount of snoring and farting in the room, I think I will have to bite the porcelain bullet and run the wooden gauntlet once more. Fuck it, here we go...