Day 6 - Oviedo to Grado

The first day of the Primitivo picked up where the final day of the San Salvador began, with a quick transition from city to farmland, which I’m a big fan of. No industrial area, just city and then greenery. 

Today could almost be described as a Capilla (Chapel) crawl, with three tiny village chapels popping up along the path. It’s a fast change from the grandiose Oviedo Cathedral to these tiny little things. Despite their size, they’ve been maintained with the same amount of care and devotion, with fresh flowers adorning the altar and not a spec of dirt to be seen. They’re beautiful in their simplicity.

I breezed into my albergue a little after two and went through my usual routine of grabbing a bunk, showering, doing laundry, drink a beer. The albergue I’m staying in, La Quintana, has a communal shower room, which I will never get used to. 

An interesting conversation that occurred in the communal shower is when a Spanish bloke turned to me and said “Poco (what I took to be) Catedral”. Now I know that “Poco” means “small” or “little”, so I was really hoping that “little church” wasn’t a euphemism, especially when I answered “Si” and laughed awkwardly like a typical tourist. After furiously hitting up Google Translate it turns out, I think (and hope), that he said “poco cátedra”, meaning “little chair”, which is indeed correct, the chair in the communal shower was little.

Now that that’s sorted, I’m off to relax with a beer.

Distance - 25.7Km 

Difficulty - ⭐️⭐️/5

Camin-oh no! - Communal showers. 

Camin-oh hell yeah! - Today’s weather. Blue skies and in the low 20s. Just perfect.
